Friday 4 March 2016

Bread Jamun

      Bread Jamun is a easy recipe prepared with bread.It can be pepared with milk powder/thick milk/condensed milk/koya...Here i tried with condensed milk which came out well. Instead you can use milk cream or thick milk.

Prep Time:15 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
Soaking Time : 2 - 3 hrs

For Bread Jamun:
White bread slices - 4 (corners removed)
Condensed milk - 1 tbsp( extra 1 tsp if required)
Ghee - 1 tsp
Mixed nuts - 1/4 cup(I took raisins,cashews,pumpkin seeds)
Oil / Ghee - for frying
For Sugar Syrup:
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Water-1/2 cup
Cardamom powder - 1/4 tsp


  • In a bowl take bread slices,add some ghee and condensed milk and knead soft dough. Cover the dough and keep it aside for 10 - 15 minutes.
  • Crush the nuts and keep the raisins ready.Stuffing for gulab jamun is ready. 
  • Take sugar in a vessel with water and boil till it forms one thread consistency.
  • When the syrup gets one thread consistency,add the cardomom powder and turn off the flame.Sugar syrup is ready.
  • Grease your hands with some ghee and knead the bread dough again. Make small balls from the dough and do the stuffing as shown in the pic and close the stuffing nicely and roll it inbetween your palms. Repeat the same with the remaining dough.
  • Take some oil/ghee in a Kadai. fry 2 - 3 balls until golden brown in color ,keep tossing while frying. Take out the fried gulab jamuns,when cooled,put them in syrup.Fry all gulab jamuns and soak them in sugar syrup.

Within 3 hours, gulab jamuns will soak in the syrup and it will be ready to serve....