Thursday 28 January 2016

Homemade Paneer / How to make Paneer at Home


  • 1 ltr Milk / Full cream milk
  • 2 tbsp Vinegar / lemon Juice / Yoghurt
  • Cotton Cloth /Cheese Cloth
  • Boil the milk and add 2 tbsp Vinegar.The milk starts curdling
  • Once completely curdles,Switch off the stove.  
  • Now place the cloth over a strainer or a container and strain the paneer.
  • If you have used lemon juice for curdling just rinse the paneer with water,to remove the lemon flavour.
  • Collect the cloth edges together ,Squeeze to remove the excess water ,tie it tightly and hang it on tap or any handle.
  • Hang it for min 15 mins till all the whey drains out.
  • Now remove the knot flatten it and place a heavy weight object or a vessel filled with water on top of the cloth

  • Allow it for min 2 hrs,the paneer would be set.
  • Fill cold water in a vessel and put the paneer in it for 10 mins.
  • Now the paneer can be cut into cubes or any shape for Paneer recipes
Refrigerate the Paneer and it will stay fresh for 3 to 4 days.

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